
news/2024/6/29 12:16:09 标签: 毕业设计, 毕设, matlab


本次设计主要以永磁同步电机调速控制系统设计应用作为研究背景,运用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具搭建相应的仿真模型。永磁同步电机调速控制系统拥有很好的动态特性,运行稳定性高、调速的范围较大,性能可靠等,在实际生产制造中被广泛的应用。该模型仿真设计对永磁同步电机矢量控制调速控制方法,通过 Matlab/Simulink仿真软件搭建仿真模型,运行仿真,并对仿真结果进行了分析。经过对控制系统进行仿真,可以明显的看出,永磁同步电机调速控制系统响应快,没有超调量,运行稳定,抗外界干扰能力强等特点。





In our daily life, brushless DC motor can be seen everywhere, because compared with other motors, its structure is relatively simple, stable operation and easy maintenance and other advantages, the most important is that DC motor has a good advantage in speed regulation. With the continuous innovation of automatic control technology and microelectronics technology, the current technical level for the realization of brushless DC motor speed regulation control to lay a solid foundation, provide a solid theoretical basis.

This design mainly to permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system design and application as the research background, using MATLAB/Simulink simulation tools to build the corresponding simulation model. Permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system has good dynamic characteristics, high running stability, wide range of speed regulation, reliable performance and so on, in the actual production and manufacturing has been widely used. The model simulation design of brushless DC motor PWM chopper reversible speed control method, through Matlab/Simulink simulation software to build simulation model, running simulation, and the simulation results were analyzed. Through the simulation of the control system, it can be obviously seen that the permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system has the characteristics of fast response, no overshoot, stable operation and strong ability to resist external interference.

In-depth study of brushless DC motor overall structure and classification, for permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system as the research object. The working principle of each module of PMSM vector control system is analyzed, and the working principle of the new magnetic encoder is introduced in detail. Finally, simulation software is used to prove the feasibility of the scheme. In control of permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system working principle and the mathematical model of each part, on the basis of in-depth study, in the MATLAB/SIMULINK for different parts of the transmission principle and mathematical model studied, permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system dynamic model is set up, through the simulation results show, you can compare all kinds of strategy and plan, Optimize and determine related parameters. Finally, the analysis method of permanent magnet synchronous motor speed control system is compared and analyzed in detail to provide reliable basis for scientific decision-making.

This design through model building, simulation verification, in learning to master brushless DC motor working characteristics at the same time, reference to the simulation results, for further design and development of new products to lay a solid foundation.

Key words: Permanent magnet synchronous motor, vector control, speed control, modeling and simulation










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