项目经理的角色(Roles of Project Manager)

news/2024/7/5 21:03:46
来自 http://www.yancy.org/research/project_management/human_resources.html

    * Integrator
          o PM is the most likely person who can view both the project and the way it fits into the overall plan for the organization.
          o Must coordinate the efforts of all the units of the project team.
    * Communicator
          o Communicates to upper management, the project team, and other stakeholders.
          o The PM who fails to decipher and pass on appropriate information to the appropriate people can become a bottleneck in the project.
          o The PM has the responsibility of knowing what kind of messages to send, who to send them to, and translating the messages into a language understood by all recipients.
    * Team Leader
          o Must be able to solve problems
          o Guide people from different functional areas
          o Coordinate the project to show leadership capabilities
    * Decision Maker
          o Makes key decisions such as allocation of resources, costs of performance and schedule tradeoffs, changing the scope, direction or characteristics of the project.
          o This is an important role with significant consequences for the project as a whole.
    * Climate Creator or Builder
          o The PM should attempt to build a supportive atmosphere so that project team members work together and not against one another.
          o Seek to avoid unrest and negative forms of conflict by building supportive atmosphere early. 



组织结构 - 职能型,矩阵型和项目型

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Project Management 101 lessons

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